14 August 2011

GAD of 2011

which mean Grand Annual Dinner.
My friend and I went to this function just to celebrate our senior who are going to end up their studies this year. By the way, this event was held somewhere in May 2011. It was setup at Manhattan Ballroom, Berjaya Times Square Hotel. This dinner was bring up the theme of Elegante. It was a difficult to describe the theme itself. In an easy way, everything must look elegant!

Akem Cameo & Shahida Kharudin

Akira Iwasaki & ME

Mzuan Tukimin & Akem Cameo

Xtra Delicious! I mean the dish.
 That night Shahir AF perform 4 songs and he also announce who was the King and the Queen of the night. *Everybody were not satisfied with the King and Queen candidate, as well as the result. As its end, everybody seems enjoy the dinner!

psst: it is WORK! i did cover my pimple and scar with a little help from make-up collection.
Panas x cuaca kat luar, pasang la tinted promotion sini

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